Thursday, December 6, 2007

Crazy life!

O.K. so I have not posted in a while(sorry) but I have been totally engrossed in trying to buy a house and getting use to the fact that I am preggo for the 4th time! Granted this was planned but now I am beginning to reliza that it is really happening. So I have been looking at houses non stop and working-it does not help that it is December and my sons B-day is on the 10th and of course Christmas.
Anywho, as far as my hair goes I was having some hair breakage issues and hair was shedding like crazy. I used the Mizani night time treatment everynight for like a week and it kinda helped. I think that it is breaking because I am stretching and have so much new growth(this is my first time stretching). Yesterday I washed and cond. and decided to blowdry for the first time in months because I was tired and needed to wake up early for work, well my hair responded well and was very soft and straight. I proceeded to wrap my hair and put on a silk scarf after mouisterizing. I woke the next morning and combed it into a pinup with almost no shedding or breakage! I think that the heat actually helped, anywho gotta go for now.

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