Friday, November 23, 2007

Pregnancy and hair loss.

1st let me start by saying happy belated Thanksgiving!and 2 sorry I haven't posted the last couple of days but I am having serious hair issues. I just foung out I was preggo about 1 week ago yah! and around that time I also noticed that my hair was coming out way more than usual when I was styling it, well it has continued and I hope it is due to the pregnanct. I have done some searches and it seems that this is common and that most people reccomend incresing the amout times you D/C every week, I am sitiing under the dryer D/Cing now.

I have not forgot about the henna tutorial, i've just been busy with like, but it will be up up for everyone to see soon.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I luv this stuff! Well at first I didn't. I tryed this first on my freshly relaed hair and I was not impressed and pushed this product to the rear of my arsenal. I decided to try this again about 4 weeks post relaxer when I had a lot of new growth and let me tell you it was great! My new growth was very soft and manageble. I highly reccomend this producy on new growth but not so much for a fresh relaxer.

Product: Silicon Mix

Catagory: Mild protien/conditioner

Price: 4.99 and up

Availability: Few beauty supply shops and mainly on-line

Rating: 3/4 stars

Henna info

Hello to all of you out in cyberspace. I completed the tutorial for showing how to apply henna last night but I am having, trouble uploading it from my video camera to my laptop my husband is working on this though. I taped the process of applying the henna to short hair(my son) and shoulder length myself. I am actually still finishing my hair as I type this, I am sitting under the dryer doing a silk wrap. I hope to have the tutorial up and running soon! Thanks for ypur patience on this.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Henna Tutorial: Part 1- Mixing your Henna.

Saran wrap
Lemon juice
Apple cider vinegar
Cayenne pepper
Ground cloves
Henna 0.25 lbs

This is the Henna before adding any extras.

Cayenne pepper added.

Parika added.

Ground cloves added

2-3 tablespoons of (ACV) mixed in.

Bottled lemon juice added, enough to make the henna like lumpy mashed potatoes. Basically making sure all the Henna is saturated. I then added enough water to make it cake batter consistency.

Finished product.

Piece of paper placed, so I can monitor color release. It should start turning orange as the dye releases.

Henna covered with saran wrap with all the air pushed out.

Henna floating in a warm bath for about a half-hour(This is supposed to speed up dye release)
after this I put the Henna under my sink and let it sit for around 24 hours. The time you let your Henna sit depends on the type of Henna and what you are trying to achieve, for strengthening only you do not need to let it sit, but if you want color you will want it to sit for a longer time.

This is the end of my tutorial stay tuned for the application of the Henna in Henna Tutorial Part 2.

P.S. I do use olive oil and conditioner; however, I add it in before applying.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Saturday!

Hello everyone I thought I would just post real quick and say happy Saturday to everyone. I am in the process of making my henna tutorial starting with the first part which is showing everyone how to mix your Henna. I know that mixing Henna sounds easy and really it is, but my first time I was kinda like am I doing this right? So this is why I am trying to do my tutorials step by step. I will be doing this this afternoon. I have not decided though whether I will post one piece at a time or post the whole tutorial at once? If you have any suggestions of preference on this please leave me a comment and let me know. I also have new products that I need to try so I will be trying some of these out today because today is my wash day. Hope you are enjoying your Saturday..


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Product: Aussie MOIST conditioner
Catagory: Conditioner
Price: 3.99
Availability: widely available at local drug stores and grocery stores.
My review: I used this product on a whim the other day and thought that it would be a mediocre conditioner, Boy was I wrong! From the moment I put this stuff in my hair I was in love, it made my hair feel so soft and silky and super mouisterized! I immediately let my husband know that he was no longer allowed to use this conditioner and that he would now need to use a different cheapie conditioner.
Rating:4/4 stars

My Henna purchase.

Today I went to my local co-op and bought 4 more bags of henna red and some spices-
Organic ground clove
cayenne pepper

I bought the spices because they are supposed to make the color redder. My next henna will be on sunday night hopefully. I have decided to post some tutorials and hopefully they will be step by step instruction from start to finish on how to henna. Please stop back by frequently for updates.

Hair Zings

Hair Zings are a great addition to any gals hair arsenal, these clips come in many diffrent colors and shapes and sizes. I own 2 at this time but I am planning to buy more, they are not that expensive and cost around 12-13 dollars for the plain basic medium and prices go up from there. The combs are very flexible and I have had minimal hair loss. Is where these little gems can be found. The hair zings are versetile and can be worn in many diffrent styles. The pic above is of my hair pincurled and then pulled up with the HairZing. The website also offers videos on-line of how to obtain the certian styles.
All in all I give this product 4 out of 4 stars!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My first Henna

O.K. so I did my first henna and love it! I mixed red henna which I got from my local co-op and it was 10.00 a lb. I filled two baggies .25 lbs each and it was like 5 something. I only used one bag for my head and enough to do my sons head because he wants red hair, (he's mixed and has dirty blonde curly hair) Anywho I used-
Henna red
bottled lemon juice
little water
bout 1/2 cup cheapie cond
2 tablespoons of EVOO
I let the dye release for 24 hours and applied it all over my head and covered it with saran wrap, covered with plastic cap, covered with scarf, and, covered with a bonnet and went to sleep. The next morning I filled my bathtub and hung my hair in the water and moved it side to side and it came out of my hair with ease! I then got in the shower and cond. and got the rest out and I did an ACV rinse to lock in the color and keep it from bleeding.
I then applied silicon mix to towel dried hair with jojba oil and then I added some miss keys 10 en 1. I let this sit under a shower cap for 3 hours while I watched my stories. I rinsed my hair used aussie moist cond.and got out. I then put in my leave-ins and heat protectent and dried under the dryer. I then flatironed my hair the first time in a while and then I wrapped it and did a silk wrap under the dryer and that was it.Now I like the color and I know it is supposed to get darker over like three days, but I would like to know how to get the final result redder?

I've been slacking but here are my progress pics.

I started my hair affair in September 2007 after a long and damageing relationship with my microbraids. I would get the braids put in and then leave them up 3 months and take them down by cutting them out!! All the while cutting my real hair with it. I did this for years, now don't get me wrong braids can be good if you know how to take care of them but I did not, so one day after I had taken down my braids I decided to search the web for some ideas on how to take care of hair. I stumbled upon LongHairCareForum and I was home thanks to this site I have seen the light.